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For display independently throughout the page.
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Box-Shadow | Normal | Hover |
Color | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) |
Horizantal | 5 | 7 |
Vertical | 5 | 7 |
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Call us on our donation line for donations, appeals, information, queries and more at:
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Box-Shadow | Normal | Hover |
Color | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) |
Horizantal | 5 | 7 |
Vertical | 5 | 7 |
Blur | 17 | 35 |
Border Radius: 50px
Call us on our donation line for donations, appeals, information, queries and more at:
Post your cheques to our head office at 185 Audley Range, Blackburn, BB1 1TH
Click here to submit our Bank Donation Form so your donation can be processed correctly.
Click here to submit our Bank Donation Form so your donation can be processed correctly.
All praise is due to the Almighty, the Cherisher and the Sustainer of the Universe. Peace and salutation be upon our beloved Prophet Mohammed SAW in abundance.
We are very excited, at the cusp of the Holy Month of Ramadan, to welcome all users to our new website. This is a time of charity and good will, and we pray this new site will be a means of promoting and facilitating these important virtues.
This version of our website is a first release that allows easy donations to projects and registration of donor profiles. Much more is in store as we continue development in this exciting new phase in our online presence.
Many users might feel a strange sense of familiarity when they see and interact with the new website. That’s because we listened to what you asked for. Our website has been designed and developed in a donor-centric fashion based on extensive interviews and surveys with our users.
The main intention of our website is to please the Almighty by allowing you, the user, to contribute to important charitable projects via an intuitive and comfortable online platform. We pray that it will be the means to increase support for the most destitute people in our world, especially at this difficult time.
With that welcome, I wish you the very best for the Holy Month of Ramadan – May it be an occasion for us to seek and draw near to Allah SWT through our worship, charity and service to His creation.
Ramadaan Kareem,
Yours Sincerely,
Hafez Sadiq Patel (Master)
Country Director, Al-Imdaad Foundation UK
Hafez Sadiq Patel became the UK Country Director of Al-Imdaad Foundation in February 2020, but he has had a long history of service to humanity before his current role. Hafez Sadiq has been dedicated to community work and social cohesion projects for over 20 years and has worked in various roles to unite communities on common grounds. Hafez Sadiq is skilled at forging positive relationships between all sectors of society, without compromising on integrity or traditional roles. Hafez Sadiq Patel was awarded The John Roberts Outstanding Achievement Award in 2018. Those around him as an upright, friendly, and captivating individual. His joining the Al-Imdaad Foundation in early 2020 has been a greatly rewarding step in true harmony with his innate humanitarian spirit. Under his direction the Foundation continues to grow and expand by forging meaningful partnership with key stakeholders in the charity sector.
Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they remember? (Quran, 9:126)
£100 – Treat 35 people for malnutrition or cholera.
£80 – Provide a COVID-19 hygiene and protection pack to last a family-of-seven for one month.
£75 – Provide a family-of-seven facing malnutrition with a nutritious food parcel to last one month.
£70 – Provide 25 people at risk of dehydration, disease and starvation, with fresh, clean drinking water.
It’s during these most testing times that we must not forsake those who are depending on us to survive. As we prepare for winter here at home, Yemeni children who have known nothing but wartime, who have faced floods, famine, and disease, are being pushed to extinction, and will struggle to survive to the end of the year.
The UN says that 2.4 million Yemeni children are on the brink of starvation. We must act now to save them.
After 6 long years of brutal conflict, during which families were wiped out by famine, cholera, and war, Yemenis are now bracing for a winter that threatens to push them over the brink.
The healthcare system has completely collapsed, overwhelmed with cases of COVID-19, dengue fever, and Chikungunya virus. In one month in Aden alone, 1,841 people were killed by epidemics, including scores of doctors.
What is clear is that if we don’t work together right now to protect families, hospitals and doctors, it will be too late.