Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they remember? (Quran, 9:126)

£100 – Treat 35 people for malnutrition or cholera.

£80 – Provide a COVID-19 hygiene and protection pack to last a family-of-seven for one month.

£75 – Provide a family-of-seven facing malnutrition with a nutritious food parcel to last one month.

£70 – Provide 25 people at risk of dehydration, disease and starvation, with fresh, clean drinking water.

It’s during these most testing times that we must not forsake those who are depending on us to survive. As we prepare for winter here at home, Yemeni children who have known nothing but wartime, who have faced floods, famine, and disease, are being pushed to extinction, and will struggle to survive to the end of the year.

The UN says that 2.4 million Yemeni children are on the brink of starvation. We must act now to save them.

After 6 long years of brutal conflict, during which families were wiped out by famine, cholera, and war, Yemenis are now bracing for a winter that threatens to push them over the brink.

The healthcare system has completely collapsed, overwhelmed with cases of COVID-19, dengue fever, and Chikungunya virus. In one month in Aden alone, 1,841 people were killed by epidemics, including scores of doctors.

What is clear is that if we don’t work together right now to protect families, hospitals and doctors, it will be too late.

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