If you have previously transferred a donation to us via bank transfer or set up a regular payment via standing order, use this step-by-step process to inform us which appeal (Food Packs, Medical Aid, etc.) you would like your donation to be utilised for and specify the intended donation type (Sadaqah, Zakaah, etc).
Note: If you haven’t transferred your payment yet, Donate Online Via Bank Transfer by adding your chosen appeals to your cart and selecting “Bank Transfer” at Checkout
Amount Transferred: £40.00
I would like to make the following donation(s) with this amount:
Amount Transferred: £40.00
I would like to make the following donation(s) with this amount:
Amount Left to allocate: £10.00
Yes, increase my donation of £40.00 to £50.00 at no extra cost
I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years, to Al-Imdaad Foundation UK. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Al-Imdaad Foundation UK will claim 25p on every £1 donated for use of implementation and administration costs incurred in operating the foundation and its projects.
Jazakallah Khair
Thank you for informing us of your donation details.
This allows us to ensure we can implement your donation as you intended and fulfill the Amaanah (Entrustment) upon us in the highest level of professionalism.
Call us on our donation line for donations, appeals, information, queries and more at:
Post your cheques to our head office at 185 Audley Range, Blackburn, BB1 1TH
Click here to submit our Bank Donation Form so your donation can be processed correctly.
Click here to submit our Bank Donation Form so your donation can be processed correctly.