1. Add to Cart

Whenever the add to cart button is pressed the following feedback popup should be displayed:

Click to view popup example/design:

Locations affected:

1. On the Appeal view for each project

2. On the appeal cards on the Donate Now page.

2. Contact Form Submitted

Whenever the contact form is submitted the following feedback popup should be displayed:

Click to view popup example/design:

3. Sign up Form - Global Footer

Whenever the contact form is submitted the following feedback popup should be displayed:

Click to view popup example/design:

4. Password Reset

Whenever the user clicks submit to reset their password the following feedback popup should be displayed:

Click to view popup example/design:

Cart Total - £40.00

Food Packs | Palestine

£10.00 Sadaqah | £10.00 Zak


Most In Need | Yemen

£10.00 Sadaqah


1 x Water Pump | Sri La...

£20.00 Sadaqah


Jazakallah Khair

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