Already Donated? Find your Donor Profile Details

Click here to search if you're registered as a donor and retrieve your login details


Donating for the First Time? Register a Donor Profile

Register your donor profile for quick & easy donations, donation history, regular payments, and GiftAid

Already Donated? Find your Donor Profile Details

Click here to search if you're registered as a donor and retrieve your login details

Option 1: Find Donor Details
When this option is selected the user will be taken to the Donor Details Finder (see below)

Donating for the First Time? Register a Donor Profile

Register your donor profile for quick & easy donations, donation history, regular payments, and GiftAid

Option 2: Register Donor Profile 
When this option is selected the user will be taken to the Donor Details Finder (see below)


Search to see if you're already registered as a donor to retrieve your login details, donation history and more.

Please enter the name and email address that may have been used in a prior donation.


Please enter an address that may have been used in a prior donation.

Step 1: Primary Donor Details.

The donor will enter basic name, email details and then continue with adress in the next step

Step 2: Address Details.




Step 3: Search 

The details entered will be passed through via the API and searched for a possible match in donor list in the backend. The search should first check for exact matches, if no results then the search matching should be lenient and find records that may not be  exact matches, but 90% similar based on the listed fields.


Donor Profile Found

Your donor profile has been matched and your login details have been sent to your registered email: mr***@h****


Email Address Required

We’ve found your donor profile, however there is no email address registered with your profile. An email address is required to login, please kindly contact our office at 01254 698771 to register your email.

Result A:  Donor Profile Matched

If a matching record is found and an email address is present, then this screen will be displayed and the donors login details (Donor ID, User Email, and User Password) will be emailed to the donor

Result B:  Donor Profile Matched with no email

If a matching record is found and no email address is present, then this screen will be displayed


Multiple Profiles Matched

Sorry, it seems there are multiple donor profiles registered under the provided details. Please kindly contact our office at 01254 698771 to resolve this issue. 


Profile Not Matched

Sorry, we could not find a donor profile with the details provided. Please try editing the details provided. Check any spellings that maybe incorrect or alternative emails that may have been used in your prior donations.

Result C:  Multiple Profiles Matched

If multiple profiles are matched then this screen will be displayed and the user will be prompted to call the office

Result D:  No Matches

If no matching record is found the user will be prompted to register or edit the details provided in step 1 and 2